Femi Otitoju
Femi Otitoju
A highly respected and ground-breaking Diversity, Equity and Inclusion expert, Femi founded Challenge Consultancy in 1988. Challenge offers a range of services from Board development, strategic planning to training across all aspects of EDI. Femi’s dynamic, inter-sectional means she and her associates are in demand across all sectors.
Today Femi’s client portfolio spans global brands such as L’Oréal, where she serves on their specialist DEI board, Sony and Amazon. In the UK Challenge supports a range of businesses and organisations from wealth management firms, advertising agencies to universities and research institutions such as Oxford and Cambridge as well as the civil service, the BBC and the UK Parliament. Challenge also works internationally with non-profits including Save the Children and Amnesty International who rely on Femi and her team to help them address inequalities and create fairer, more inclusive working environments.
At the end of 2021 Challenge joined with EW Group to create the UK’s leading diversity consultancy which excels in designing, developing and delivering comprehensive DEI programmes that drive real culture change.